How many times did you hear that "...Romania must spend the funds from the European Union!".
But nobody wonders why the managing authorities hide between paperworks and fancy words. The answer is only the incompetence of most of the employers in these structures.
When you look at the people in public administration that arrogantly say "I am financial officer" or "I am the Programme Manager" you should know that these people had nothing to do with what they are doing. Most of them used to make coffees for politicians. And all of them where the weakest graduates in their class. Don't fall for the engineer of economist qualification. Good people with these qualifications work in the private sector. So, apparently in Romania ass kissing is the only qualification that you need.
Maybe journalists should ask for their CV and see exactly what they did before starting to work in EU funds management.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Engineers ARE stupid
Yes my fellow citizens. Engineers in Romania are stupid. This is not an opinion. This is fact. Just ask the private sector :-)
Most "engineers" came out of the engineer making machine of the communist regime. Why? Because Ceausescu wanted to make everybody a university graduate, including his illiterate wife. But what studies could best fit the profile of a below the average fellow?
Fine arts where excluded because you had to have at least a few writing skills. So, architecture sounded good, but there was this tiny thing that could not be ignored: architects have responsibilities. Peoples' lifes depend on their work.
So, because the people who carry cement bags on their shoulders on construction sites can also be called engineers, Polytechnica was the answer.
And he started pumping engineers from the Polytechnica University. Dumb, narrow minded, with writing and thinking difficulties ... This is the profile of the Romanian engineer.
So if the year 2008 someone comes to you and says, "Oh, I am an engineers.." and he is around 40 years old or older, then he is stupid. Another criteria by wich you can be certain that he is part of the stupid league is the way he begins all his phrases "Beacause I a am an Engineer, ...".
Most "engineers" came out of the engineer making machine of the communist regime. Why? Because Ceausescu wanted to make everybody a university graduate, including his illiterate wife. But what studies could best fit the profile of a below the average fellow?
Fine arts where excluded because you had to have at least a few writing skills. So, architecture sounded good, but there was this tiny thing that could not be ignored: architects have responsibilities. Peoples' lifes depend on their work.
So, because the people who carry cement bags on their shoulders on construction sites can also be called engineers, Polytechnica was the answer.
And he started pumping engineers from the Polytechnica University. Dumb, narrow minded, with writing and thinking difficulties ... This is the profile of the Romanian engineer.
So if the year 2008 someone comes to you and says, "Oh, I am an engineers.." and he is around 40 years old or older, then he is stupid. Another criteria by wich you can be certain that he is part of the stupid league is the way he begins all his phrases "Beacause I a am an Engineer, ...".
Monday, 8 December 2008
Profilul manelistului
Manelist(a)=persoana de foarte slaba calitate sociala.
A nu se confunda cu Zicatorii de manele = guristi care traiesc din bani negri stransi de pe jos la evenimente obscure.
Profilul manelistului
-e muritor de foame
-traieste in cartiere marginase
-locuieste cu cel putin 3 membri ai familiei din care una de obicei bunica, unchiul, etc.
-trece temporar printr-un moment financiar favoriabil
-foloseste apelativul "frate", "fata"
-are VW sau Audi (pentru cu BMW e cam scump si mai bine spune ca e o masina proasta ca sa nu zica lumea altceva)
-schimba uleiul la masina in fata blocului
-cumpara piesele de schimb din targ, preferabil de la hoti
-se imbraca cu tzoale de furat. nu le fura el. nu-l duce mintea destul. cumpara doar de la hoti.
-nu are decat RCA, si ala in rate
-are casco asa, doar de ochii lumii, cel mai ieftin. majoritatea umbla fara.
Lista e deschisa...
A nu se confunda cu Zicatorii de manele = guristi care traiesc din bani negri stransi de pe jos la evenimente obscure.
Profilul manelistului
-e muritor de foame
-traieste in cartiere marginase
-locuieste cu cel putin 3 membri ai familiei din care una de obicei bunica, unchiul, etc.
-trece temporar printr-un moment financiar favoriabil
-foloseste apelativul "frate", "fata"
-are VW sau Audi (pentru cu BMW e cam scump si mai bine spune ca e o masina proasta ca sa nu zica lumea altceva)
-schimba uleiul la masina in fata blocului
-cumpara piesele de schimb din targ, preferabil de la hoti
-se imbraca cu tzoale de furat. nu le fura el. nu-l duce mintea destul. cumpara doar de la hoti.
-nu are decat RCA, si ala in rate
-are casco asa, doar de ochii lumii, cel mai ieftin. majoritatea umbla fara.
Lista e deschisa...
Taxa auto s-a triplat!
Si ce daca?!
Este adevarat ca este bine ca cei care nu isi permit o masina noua sa poata cumpara una veche. Mai ales cand ai familie, copii...trebuie mai mult decat o masina cu doua usi si un portbagaj de 200 l. iar banii sunt o problema!
Insa romanul, manelist cum este, nu se dezice de genele proaste si in loc sa-si cumpere o masina pe care isi permite sa o intretina isi ipotecheaza rinichii si cumpara un WV, obligatoriu peste 150.000 de km, ca deh... se poate schimba uleiul in fata blocului, de regula situat in Ferentari, sa se auda boxele montate pe geam de ceilalti 5 membri ai familiei cu care sta inghesuit ca sardelele intr-o garsoniera confort 3. Obligatoriu trebuie preparata masina: peste 150 de cai, jante aluminiu, GPS, ca deh...
Asa ca, majorarea taxei auto nu face dacat sa le aduca aminte manelistilor ca nu isi permit sa aiba masini nemtesti. Fiindca cine isi permite sa dea 30.000 de euro fara credit pe o masina, isi permite sa plateasca si taxa de inmatriculare.
Este adevarat ca este bine ca cei care nu isi permit o masina noua sa poata cumpara una veche. Mai ales cand ai familie, copii...trebuie mai mult decat o masina cu doua usi si un portbagaj de 200 l. iar banii sunt o problema!
Insa romanul, manelist cum este, nu se dezice de genele proaste si in loc sa-si cumpere o masina pe care isi permite sa o intretina isi ipotecheaza rinichii si cumpara un WV, obligatoriu peste 150.000 de km, ca deh... se poate schimba uleiul in fata blocului, de regula situat in Ferentari, sa se auda boxele montate pe geam de ceilalti 5 membri ai familiei cu care sta inghesuit ca sardelele intr-o garsoniera confort 3. Obligatoriu trebuie preparata masina: peste 150 de cai, jante aluminiu, GPS, ca deh...
Asa ca, majorarea taxei auto nu face dacat sa le aduca aminte manelistilor ca nu isi permit sa aiba masini nemtesti. Fiindca cine isi permite sa dea 30.000 de euro fara credit pe o masina, isi permite sa plateasca si taxa de inmatriculare.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Gypsies in Romania
For many years, Western countries have accused Romania of terrorising the gypsy minority. Nowadays, my fellow EU citizens and others, I am proud to say. "You've been served!"
Are you frightened by the way these undefined creatures look at you?
By the way your neighbourhood becomes unsafe after they arrive?
By their out of the ordinary violence and other abject behaviour?
By the way they have absolutely NO desire to work for a living?
By the total lack of respect for the human kind as they cripple their own, breaking their legs so they would inspire mercy instead of breeding them strong so they could use them to work?
Well, this is the result of decades of tolerance. Especially during communism where they were integrated in a working environment in order to keep them off the streets.
Looking back on the Roman Empire, I wonder if their attitude towards them had the same motivation.
Are you frightened by the way these undefined creatures look at you?
By the way your neighbourhood becomes unsafe after they arrive?
By their out of the ordinary violence and other abject behaviour?
By the way they have absolutely NO desire to work for a living?
By the total lack of respect for the human kind as they cripple their own, breaking their legs so they would inspire mercy instead of breeding them strong so they could use them to work?
Well, this is the result of decades of tolerance. Especially during communism where they were integrated in a working environment in order to keep them off the streets.
Looking back on the Roman Empire, I wonder if their attitude towards them had the same motivation.
Why this blog?
I started as a normal blogger, frustrated by the fact that nobody was listening to me. "... and suddenly, it hit me!". I must blog my ideas. Maybe I'll drain my pessimistic perspective on life into this piece of non-existing paper.
This is life how I see it:...
This is life how I see it:...
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