Thursday, 11 December 2008

Engineers ARE stupid

Yes my fellow citizens. Engineers in Romania are stupid. This is not an opinion. This is fact. Just ask the private sector :-)

Most "engineers" came out of the engineer making machine of the communist regime. Why? Because Ceausescu wanted to make everybody a university graduate, including his illiterate wife. But what studies could best fit the profile of a below the average fellow?

Fine arts where excluded because you had to have at least a few writing skills. So, architecture sounded good, but there was this tiny thing that could not be ignored: architects have responsibilities. Peoples' lifes depend on their work.

So, because the people who carry cement bags on their shoulders on construction sites can also be called engineers, Polytechnica was the answer.

And he started pumping engineers from the Polytechnica University. Dumb, narrow minded, with writing and thinking difficulties ... This is the profile of the Romanian engineer.

So if the year 2008 someone comes to you and says, "Oh, I am an engineers.." and he is around 40 years old or older, then he is stupid. Another criteria by wich you can be certain that he is part of the stupid league is the way he begins all his phrases "Beacause I a am an Engineer, ...".

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